Love Gestures...
Loving without words
"I LOVE YOU" isn't always said with words…
Once you understand that people show love in a variety of ways, you will be happier. Recognizing loving gestures will definitely help get the point across. Sometimes those three little words are being screamed loud and clear, with actions instead. It’s that little things you do ‘sometime unknowingly’, that keeps your relationship strong and keeps the flame of romance alive.
Some people really like to say sweet things to proved that they really loves you and some people do not know how to prove it, but they still love you.
When you first see a person you don’t feel love to that person, at that time you don’t even know that really love or like. You need to know each other first then the feeling of like slowly turn to love. Love needs time to grow. Some people aren't as romantic as others.

There could also be the type that doesn’t share their feelings openly as to say "I love you". Some people really do love their partner but don't say it with words.
When someone loves you they care more for you, they will do their best to understand and comfort you. They would pay lots of attention for all the things you do and say.
Giving you small gifts means something extraordinary to them even if you're not interested in it. May be that little gift have no meaning to you, but it certainly have meaning for them. It’s just an attempt by them at including you in on something they love. It shows you they are thinking about more than just themselves.
When you are close to someone you love, showing physical affection in small ways like a hug or a kiss or simply holding your partner’s hand or touching their arm while talking to you are simple way to show that they love you.
The secret to a relationship is communication and consistency..... But some time it’s suffocating if your partner tells you s/he loves you every second. But if s/he says it to you once in a while, count your blessings and be happy. The fact that s/he shares such emotional words with you may mean a lot for him/her.
But gestures in love are incomparably more attractive, effective and valuable than words...