Love feelings...
When you are in love!
How does it feels like when you are in love?
It’s a kind of strange feelings. It feels like nothing else ever felt, or everything all at once. You feel as though you are floating on a cloud. You feel everything is perfect. It feels like you are the most important person in the world. It makes you feel unique and feel like you’re feeling something no one else could understand the feelings of happiness and joy you are feeling.
When you stare to the one you love, you feel that’s the perfect conversation you ever had, though completely silent, you wouldn’t want it any other way. You will enjoy the silence, instead of considering being uncomfortable. You just know without a doubt, this is love.

The other person’s arms are where you always want to be, nothing makes you feel as serene as when you and your partner are together. When you are with the one you love you feel like you got butterflies in my stomach. That special person you love makes you feel special and good about yourself. You feel happy, secure and appreciated. You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else.
When you fight with your partner you usually make up within a few hours and you always agree that nothing is more important than you both being able to express your true feelings (even if they sometimes cause conflict).
Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person, can take many different forms (including romantic) but it is always about caring. You will care for him/her a lot and want to be with just him/her forever.
When you stare to the one you love, you feel that’s the perfect conversation you ever had, though completely silent, you wouldn’t want it any other way. You will enjoy the silence, instead of considering being uncomfortable. You just know without a doubt, this is love.

The other person’s arms are where you always want to be, nothing makes you feel as serene as when you and your partner are together. When you are with the one you love you feel like you got butterflies in my stomach. That special person you love makes you feel special and good about yourself. You feel happy, secure and appreciated. You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else.
When you fight with your partner you usually make up within a few hours and you always agree that nothing is more important than you both being able to express your true feelings (even if they sometimes cause conflict).
Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person, can take many different forms (including romantic) but it is always about caring. You will care for him/her a lot and want to be with just him/her forever.