Why girls like guys

Why girls like guys

1. The way they always wear their favorite cologne (which happens to be the
one that you bought them for their birthday)

2. The way the run their hands through out hair

3. The way that they look at you and you want to die right then and there

4. The way that they casually put their arms around you

5. The way that they kiss away your tears

6. The way that they then get mad at how they can’t make your problem go

7. The way they show off around their friends, even though you both know that
you would love them even if they missed a basket or two

8. How there eyes light up at the result of 3 hours of preparing for your date

9. How they always know just what to say to make you blush

10. How they sometimes think that they know just what to say to make you feel
better, even if you think that it is the worst thing that they could say

11. The way they hold you close when you are cold

12. How they look at you when your mad at them and all your anger melts away

13. How they always smile when you are together

14. The way that they always let you win any game that you play together

15. When you point that out to them they pretend to not know what
you are talking about

16. The way that they smile at you

17. The way that you feel when they call to apologize after you had a big fight

18. The way that they say I love you

19. The way that they say I love you in front of their friends

20. The way that they touch and hold you so gently, like they are afraid that they
will break you

21. The way that they kiss you

22. The way that they open their arms to you when you are crying

23. The way that they never admit that you hurt them

24. The way that they try not to cry when they are afraid that they are losing you

25. The way that they think that they are your big protector, even though you
think that you are theirs

26. The way that they say I miss you, even though they hate to admit it

27. The way that you miss everything about them when they are gone

28. The way that they remember your special moments, or aniversaries when
you think that they forgot

29. The way that they apologize when they do forget

30. The way that they comfort you when you have a bad day

31. The way that you can’t wait to get home and tell them all about your day

32. The way that they write you love letters even if they think that it is uncool

33. How they would rather be with you then their friends sometime

34. How you want to hug them even though they are all sweaty

35. Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that
you would die without them… it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever
they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in
the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things
without a trace of sound, you know that your own life is inevitabley comsumed
within the rhythimic beatings of his heart. We love them for a million reasons,
No paper would do it justice. It is a thing a feeling, that is only felt.
