Things You Need to Know About love ...
Mysteries of love…Throughout the history of mankind, we as a world culture have made love out to be mysterious, complex, and difficult. It’s something that you can feel but you can’t really explain. Love intensely sheds light on the inexplicable relations between men and women and challenges us to live those dynamics better. It has always been difficult to know how to determine if a relationship is one of authentic love or is doomed to failure.
Love “in plain words “… Love represents a range of human emotions and experiences related to the senses of affection and sexual attraction from basic pleasure to intense interpersonal attractions.
Love wounds, love heals.
Love is cruel, love is kind.
Love is mysterious, love is bold, love is gentle.
Love is Accepting, Love is Appreciating.Love is Wanting Another to Feel Good.
If you do not have love or love, you are not living.
Love is a powerful thing. Love is everything.

Romantic love above all else…"romantic love" is an expression of one's deep emotional desires to connect with another person. It‘s a feeling of excitement associated with love. Romantic love are feelings have no words to describe them....There is no remedy for romantic love but to love more. You love simply because you cannot help it. Romantic love generates powerful feelings which can seem like an emotional storm. It’s so vast that it is the subject of endless poems, songs and literary works.
Common practices in romance are;
Holding hands or walking hand in hand,
Private conversations, dating,
kissing and hugging and physical closeness.